Sunday, 14 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (DVD digipak, Magazine advert)?

Above is our music video, and it is from this product we planned to base the other two ancillary texts on. But at the same time we wanted to keep a slight variation between them to not make it seem as if its been taken straight from one of the other texts.

The poster above is based heavily on the beginning of our music video in relation to the use of colour and lighting as they both have a Autumn/winter look to them. And in both the poster and digipak we used very similar fonts in mostly white so the viewer and make the connection between the contrasting digipak.

The digipak (below) is more related to the last half of the music video where its more sunnier and features more grass and foliage with a more positive look to it. So as you can tell we used much brighter colours compared to the poster to make the digipak standout much more in the shelves of a music store where it would be sold.

The digipak on the left is the fully completed design which is what it would look like if it were to be printed and used.

This digipak template which shows the different panels, where the CD goes and also where it would be folded to give the viewer a better visualization of what it would look like folded up.

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